Monday, 30 March 2020

A message from Canon Pauline

The Rectory
30th March 2020
01745 813831

Dear Friends

I hope that you are keeping safe and well and are being overwhelmed all the news we are getting from across the world. For me it takes a deliberate act of will not to tune into the news on an hourly basis! It is a serious situation that we are in and I hope that the resources that the Diocese and our individual churches are offering have been useful as you worship from home.

A couple of points:
  • The induction of Rebecca which was scheduled for the 26th April has been postponed indefinitely, also her move into Trefnant Rectory. Please hold Rebecca and her family in your prayers at this time and hopefully it won’t be too long before she joins us here in Denbigh M.A.

  • It is important that we obey the rule for not opening our churches at all. I know that this is distressing especially as the solitary prayer option there is not now possible. I hope that the knowledge that our clergy are still conducting worship of some sort there on Sundays is of benefit. Please do not think that you can join them. Praying by proxy is the order of the day! And do please support your clergy and lay ministers by holding them in your prayers.
  • Most of us offer our financial support by monthly giving either by Give Direct or Standing Order. Please continue to do so as the church work is continuing albeit in a different way. Those of you who give in weekly envelopes - perhaps this is the time to consider paying monthly to make it easier for yourselves and also to help us with our cash flow. Please contact your Treasurers for information.
  • It has occurred to me that the early church took the name ecclesia to identify itself as different from the Jewish synagogue and Temple, as well as pagan temples. Ecclesia means a gathering for a specific purpose, and this is what the believers have done for two thousand years-  in sometimes very difficult circumstances. In years of persecution small groups have always gathered in each other’s houses or in secret places to meet and worship together. But what we face today presents us with a different challenge. How can we be a Gathering of believers when we cannot in fact gather together? I appreciate that very creative ways of worshipping together are being used with the benefit of our new technology. Perhaps we can share ideas? Many of our older members do not have access to the internet. How do we help them to stay in contact and feel a part of the worshipping church?
  • Sharing Resources.  The Cathedral is streaming a Sunday morning service and I know that the television is broadcasting a live service from a Cathedral in Wales. Here in Denbigh we have sent out packs with prayer resources and the Bishops pastoral letter, as well as phoning everyone on our electoral roll – sadly now five years out of date. I hope to send another pack out next week with a Palm Cross and Easter specific material.  We have also been putting on Facebook a picture from our Church for assurance and encouragement mainly to non churchgoers, and are getting a lot of positive response with this. It is important not to overdo this during the first few weeks. We can encourage our people to pray regularly as home, as well as grow that discipline for ourselves. I have no doubt that as the weeks pass we will develop new ideas to keep us together as a church – an Ecclesia in its truest sense. I would appreciate your thoughts on being a Gathering Church and how we can gather today. And any other ideas as well!
Just a few thoughts.

Please keep safe and be assured that you are in our prayers at this time. Please do not hesitate to contact me with phone or email for a chat anytime.

Yours in Christ

The Revd. Canon Pauline A. Walker
Denbigh Mission Area Leader.