The 31st Cefn Annual Village Fete was held in 2018 on June 23rd, and as in recent years, the venue was the Neuadd Owen Village Hall and field. It turned out to be another wonderful day. Although the numbers of visitors were slightly down on 2017, probably as a result of the number of other event being held on the same day. However the event was very successful and has become a popular annual day out for the local community. Among the many attractions were the Beulah Brass Band, a display of vintage cars and tractors, tractor rides for the children. The fete also provides the opportunity for the community to meet up and chat in lovely surroundings, on what this year, was a beautiful summers day . The event is still organised by the congregations from the Parish of Cefn Meiriadog, but more and more people from the community are coming forward and offering their help on the day of the Fete. The facilities at the Neuadd Owen Village Hall, which are excellent were augmented by the marquees bought by Sinan and the landscape of the field with the Marquees set against the backdrop of the trees on the Cefn Estate is a perfect setting for the fete.

A new event for the 2018 fete was a Fun Dog Show, with prizes for the dog with the waggiest tail: the naughtiest dog, the dog most like their owner and the most obedient, was very successful with everyone enjoying the antics of the dogs and their owners, even though it was slightly chaotic at times!!
As in previous years a Prize draw was organised to raise funds for our 2 supported charities, St Kentigern’s Hospice and Kanzi Kibera friends. Tickets were sold at the event and also before the event as a small lottery licence had been obtained. The total sum raised on the draw was £820 which will be shared between the two charities.
The Fete takes a great deal of effort to organise and the members of the two churches in the Parish of Cefn, All Saints, Sinan and St Mary’s, Cefn would like to express their gratitude to Karin Jones and Clare Vickers for making all the arrangements which resulted in a wonderful community event.
The day’s events culminated in a hog roast with live entertainment which proved to be very popular.