The Pulpit Yew Tree at St James Church Nantglyn has been nominated as one of six trees in Wales for the Tree of the Year award.
The winning tree will benefit from a Tree Care award of £1,000, with any runner-up trees receiving 1000 separate votes or more, subject to the eligibility criteria , a £500 Tree Care Award. The award can be used to arrange a health check from an arboriculturalist, provide interpretation or educational materials or simply just hold a community celebratory event in honour of the tree.

“The beautiful church of St James in Nantglyn dates back at about 700 years, but in its churchyard stands something even older, a yew tree believed to be around 1,500 years old. The hollowed trunk of this ancient Yew has been converted into an out-door pulpit from which many a sermon has been preached - including one, rumour has it, by the founder of the Methodist Church, John Wesley. Local Welsh slate has been used to craft some steps leading to a seat and podium at the top which over-looks the surrounding churchyard. Despite the modifications, The Pulpit Yew remains in excellent health and is a shining - if extreme - example of the recognised association between yew trees and places of worship.” (
You can vote for the Nantglyn Pulpit Tree by visiting
Voting closes on the 8th October.